Red Green & Blue

During April 2018's trip to Puerto Galera I captured the red rhinopore of a nembrotha nudibranch.
I was also experimenting with a new Nauticam CMC-2 close up lens (and camera, housing and lens). Lets just say it took a while to get used to where it could and couldn't focus!

I particularly liked the way the red rhinophore was glowing. I thought it might look good printed on aluminium. Anyway with that in mind I decided having captured something very red that I would see if I could create a 'Red Green and Blue' series of 3 images. Here's the result. 

Finding small and blue things was the most challenging but in doing so i've learned that a nudibranch I always considered to be black with a blue face  is in fact a crazy metallic green with a blue face when lit up with a snoot :)

There will be lots more from this trip coming soon in blog posts and galleries.